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An Arwing from Starlink: Battle for Atlas
Mode(s) Space, Air
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The Arwing (Japanese: アーウィン Awing) is the Star Fox team's primary space and air vehicle. It has had many different incarnations. In Star Fox Command, each pilot, aside from Peppy Hare and James McCloud, had unique styles of Arwings. It was developed by Space Dynamics Co. and comes equipped with revolutionary G-Diffuser technology for power and antigravity purposes. Performing a barrel roll puts up an electromagnetic shield to deflect most optical weaponry.


Star Fox / Star Fox 64

Blueprints of the 64-model Arwing.

Used by the original Star Fox team of James McCloud, Peppy Hare and Pigma Dengar, the single-seated Arwing featured four advanced G-Diffuser on board engines as large blue structures atop and underneath each wing. A single-beam laser cannon (which could double as a Smart Bomb launcher) was located underneath the nose. Twin and Hyper laser upgrades instead utilized a pair of more powerful laser cannons between the G-Diffuser, with one just below each wing. The rear of the ship housed the engine exhaust, which would change color with the environment -- red for in-atmosphere, and blue for space operations. It was the most advanced ship of its time, years ahead of any other fighter in Lylat.

The original Star Fox team flew these ships to Venom to investigate the upsurge of activity by exiled scientist, Dr. Andross. Upon arrival, Pigma defected to Andross's side. James' Arwing was shot down, seemingly killing its pilot. However, despite massive damage and the loss of an entire wing, Peppy Hare's Arwing survived the attack, and Peppy was able to fly the nearly destroyed fighter all the way back to Corneria- A testament to the ship's durability.

The Star Fox team would later utilize Arwings to save the Lylat System from Andross and his Venomian Army during the Lylat Wars.

Star Fox Adventures

The Arwing flying down to CloudRunner Fortress

In Star Fox Adventures, Fox travels around in his Arwing less often than in other Star Fox titles. By default, Fox can only fly his Arwing down to ThornTail Hollow (via the "Dinosaur Planet" option on the world map). Fox can later fly his Arwing to the four other SpellStone locations: DarkIce Mines, CloudRunner Fortress, Walled City, and Dragon Rock, as he meets the GateKeepers for each location. Each SpellStone location also requires Fox to provide a given number of Fuel Cells for him to reach the location.

When selecting an area, Fox must partake in an Arwing mission, where General Pepper instructs Fox to disable the Force Field by piloting his Arwing through a certain number of Gold Rings. The player must control the Arwing in space, and has the ability to fire at mines and basic starfighter enemies. In later Arwing missions, Fox must also maneuver his Arwing through building ruins (similar to Sector X in Star Fox 64). Fox's Arwing is unable to utilize many features that were available in previous installments, such as the Boost Gauge, first-person view, and a charged laser shot. Its wings also do not get damaged, therefore eliminating the purpose of Wing Repair. He can still fly through Silver Rings, collect Laser Upgrades, and carry up to three Smart Bombs. If Fox reaches the end and does not fly through the required number of Gold Rings, he must restart the Arwing mission.

After disabling the Force Field, Fox docks his Arwing on the planet's surface. He has the option of re-entering it whenever he desires to. When Fox travels with Prince Tricky, he climbs into a hatch below the Arwing and Fox stays in the cockpit. This does not happen after Fox obtains the fifth Krazoa Spirit from Dragon Rock, since it is when he and Tricky part ways.

Fox pilots the Arwing in the final battle against Andross. Fox uses it to shoot lasers at the vulnerabilities on Krazoa God head and Andross's hands. After shooting off both of Andross's hands a second time, Andross tries inhaling Fox, who is suddenly rescued by Falco, who is also piloting his Arwing. Afterward, whenever Andross spits meteorites at Fox, Falco's Arwing swoops by and leaves behind a Smart Bomb for Fox to use against Andross. When Fox manages to defeat Andross, he and Falco retreat their Arwings back into the Great Fox. Fox's and Falco's Arwings are the only two Arwings that appear in the game.

Star Fox: Assault

After the Star Fox team was paid handsomely for their action during the Saurian crisis, they opted to upgrade their weapons, armor, their mothership, the Great Fox and their Arwings. These new, feather-like ships boasted four G-diffusers which allowed for the ship to come to a complete stop, as well as make more advanced maneuvers repeatedly, such as loops and Immelmann turns. The ships however have no bombs present on board, but can equip them in flight, so as to keep the weight down. The flexible wings on the sides allow for easy transition from flight mode to all-range mode, and come equipped with a transponder to allow for these ships to be transmitted to the surface of a planet, similar to the upgraded Landmaster. These ships saw the team through the Aparoid invasion, performing remarkably through the perils of this brutal war.

Star Fox Command

Following the Aparoid invasion, the Star Fox Team was outfitted with new ships. All pilots picked one for themselves. Fox acquired the Arwing II, a ship resembling the Arwing in Lylat Wars. Slippy had the Bullfrog, a bigger ship. It has a thick nose with small wings. It is slow and difficult to maneuver, but makes up for this with its ability to use plasma cannons, the strongest primary weapon available. Unfortunately, the Bullfrog's cannons lack the ability to charge and lock on to enemies. Falco had the Sky Claw. This ship resembled the Arwing II, but with wings directed forward, more round-shaped and with claws on the end. It has a pointed nose. Though it is equipped with the simple single laser, it is the fastest and most maneuverable ship in existence and has the ability to perform multiple somersaults and Immelmann turns. It also has the ability to lock on multiple enemies when charging its laser. Krystal, because of her leaving from the Star Fox Team, flew a Cornerian Starfighter, but in some of the possible pathways of the game, she is seen to own a new ship - the Cloud Runner. There, the design of the Arwing almost completely disappeared to resemble the CloudRunner tribe from Star Fox Adventures. Also, both Peppy Hare and James McCloud, playable in two of the game's storylines, fly the original Arwing, which resembles the ones seen in the during the fight against the Aparoids.

Arwing II

Main article: Arwing II

After the battle against the Aparoids, Fox upgraded his Arwing to an improved version known as the Arwing II. It is reminiscent of the original, but with enhanced maneuvering abilities and improved fire power. Unlike earlier models, it can carry up to two Smart Bombs.

Super Smash Bros. series

Super Smash Bros.

In Super Smash Bros. Fox used the Arwing to enter the stage. Arwings are also seen blasting at the fighters in the Sector Z stage. They can be used as temporary platforms.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

In Super Smash Bros. Melee, the Arwing appeared as a trophy along with the Wolfen. They and the Wolfen are also seen blasting at the fighters in the Corneria and Venom Stages. They too can be ridden as platforms.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it appeared as a trophy and was used for Fox's entrance. They also appear in the background of Lylat Cruise in the asteroid belt and the Star Fox Vs. Star Wolf part of the stage. In the Subspace Emissary, Fox used it to attack the Battleship Halberd twice, but it was destroyed in both tries. The first time by a claw on the Halberd, the second time by Sheik. Falco also used it to arrive in the nick of time to save Fox and Diddy Kong from Bowser and his Dark Cannon. Fox later has his Arwing repaired and attacks the Subspace Gunship along with other ships from different Nintendo series.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The Arwing appears in Fox's and Falco's final smashes.

Other games

The Arwing can be found as an enemy in Kokiri Forest of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time by using an Action Replay or Gameshark device. The Arwing was possibly used as a placeholder to test airborne enemies such as Keese.

The Arwing also makes an appearance in the GameCube version of Animal Crossing as a raffle prize. It appears again in Animal Crossing: Wild World and City Folk as a spotlight item. In Wild World and City Folk, if the player stands next to the Arwing and presses A, the Star Fox theme will play.

In the 2006 version of Nintendo Monopoly, an Arwing appears as a station in place of Short Line Railroad. In the 2010 reissue, it was replaced by Epona from the The Legend of Zelda series.


Star Fox 64 website

  • LENGTH: 28 SM
  • HEIGHT: 5.5 SM
  • MAX SPEED: M 4.2 (in atmosphere)
  • ENGINE: NTD-FX1 plasma engine with G-Diffuser
  • CREW: 1
  • ARMAMENT: T&B-H1 laser cannon and Smart Bomb launcher

Star Fox Command

Star Fox Command
Laser Twin
Lock Single
Smart Bombs ● ●
Shields ● ● ● ● ● ●
Boost ● ● ● ●
Time Bonus ● ● ●


Star Fox 64 website


"The Arwing starfighter is the primary battle vehicle of the Star Fox Team, and is the almost the symbol of their team. Developed by Space Dynamics Co., Ltd., the Arwing is equipped with the revolutionary G-Diffuser system, an anti-gravity device which allows the pilot to accelerate or decelerate instantaneously and perform a wide variety of high performance combat maneuvers. By executing a barrel roll, the Arwing can also generate a electromagnetic shield which will deflect most optically based weapons, such as laser beams. The Arwings used by the Star Fox Team are much different from any production versions as they have been extensively modified with improved armor and advanced weapon systems, such as Hyper Laser Homing Bolts and Smart Bombs."

  • Control Stick: Maneuvers Ship
  • Z Button: Roll ship to the left (tap twice to barrel roll)
  • R Button: Roll ship to the right (tap twice to barrel roll)
  • A Button: Fire Hyper Laser (hold A to lock on to enemy, press again to fire Homing Laser)
  • B Button: Fire Smart Bomb (press again to detonate)
  • Up C Button: Change view from chase to cockpit
  • Left C Button: Turbo Boost
  • Right C Button: Respond to ROB64's message
  • Down C Button: Brake

Super Smash Bros. series trophies

Trophy information
Game Description Obtain
Super Smash Bros. Melee

The Arwing is the symbol of Star Fox. Like an F-Zero racer, it's equipped with an opposing-gravity device. It can barrel roll and flip with ease thanks to its quick acceleration and flexible control. In battle, the ship uses retractable wings for precise flying. Every Arwing has smart bombs as its sub-weapons.

Star Fox
Random drop
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A fighter ship that comprises the main combat unit of Team Star Fox. Boasting antigravity systems known as G-Diffusers, Arwings can perform barrel rolls, quick bursts of speed, and loops. They're also equipped with variable wings that can be switched in and out of combat mode. Their main armaments are their laser cannons, and their secondary weapons are smart bombs.

SNES Star Fox
N64 Star Fox 64
Random drop
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
NTSC-U: Star Fox's fighter crafts have the ability to regulate gravity, allowing them to adapt to all kinds of space environments, and have been tuned up to give them superb offensive performance. Mass-produced Arwings appear in Star Fox: Assault, but many get taken over by the invaders, forcing the Star Fox team to shoot them down.

PAL: Star Fox's fighter crafts have the ability to regulate gravity, allowing them to adapt to all kinds of space environments, and have been tuned up to make their offensive performance top-class. Mass-produced Arwings appear in Star Fox: Assault, but many get taken over by the invaders, forcing Star Fox to shoot them down.

GCN Star Fox: Assault (2/2005)
Random drop
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
NTSC-U: The pride and joy of the Star Fox team—it gets its name from the distinct "A" shape. The adjustable wings give this ship remarkable mobility in all kinds of situations; considering all the dangerous places the Star Fox team goes, you never know when a well-timed barrel roll will save the day.

PAL: These fighter crafts are the pride and joy of the Star Fox team. Their name derives from their shape, which is like the letter A, and their wings, which can open and close, giving them impressive mobility in all kinds of situations. There's no Mr Arwing out there that they're named after! So don't expect him to turn up in a Star Fox game.
Random drop


Main article: Gallery:Arwing


LandmasterArwing (DefenseInterceptorIIBullfrogSky ClawTadpole) • Blue MarineGreat FoxGreat Fox (Star Fox Command)Wolfen (Rainbow DeltaBlack Rose) • Cornerian FighterCloud RunnerMonkey Arrow • Invader (IIIIIICat's Paw (II)) • Hop BotGarudaBolse FighterBorzoi FighterDorisby BattleshipHarlock FrigateGrazan CarrierZeram CruiserAttack CarrierGorgonMechbethSarumarineSaruzinSaucererThe Forever TrainGreat CommanderMeteo CrusherPhantron