In the closing moments of the Lylat Wars, the Star Fox team made a brazen attempt to force their way through Area 6 to attack Venom. Despite throwing everything at the Star Fox team, Venomian forces were unable to stop them. Throughout this mission, Fox and his team summon the Star Fox mothership, the Great Fox, to help fight the Venomian ships. In a last bid to stop Star Fox they deployed the Gorgon, hoping it would destroy them for good. Star Fox successfully defeated Gorgon and proceeded to Venom.
Artwork from Star Fox 64.
Andross speaking into Fox's comm unit during the conquest of Area 6.
Fox's Arwing amidst large freighters.
Flying directly into a mine field.
Fox about to encounter a line of cruisers.
Venom looms ominously below.
The initial appearance of Gorgon, the boss of Area 6.
Mid-battle with Gorgon.
Gorgon defeated, the path to Venom is clear.
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