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Fichina as it appears in Star Fox 64 3D
Stage type Planet
Games Star Fox 64 (3D)
Star Fox: Assault
Star Fox Command
Star Fox Zero
No music provided
Star Fox 64 info
Bronze Medal 40
Stage/Silver Medal 50
Gold Medal 90
Vehicle Arwing
Navigation info
<-- Meteo Main Route(s) Sector X -->
<-- None Hidden Route(s) Solar -->
Star Fox: Assault info
Bronze Medal 600
Silver Medal 2000
Gold Medal 3900
Navigation info
<-- Sargasso Space Zone Route Meteo -->
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"There's nothing here but snow and ice."
— Falco

Fichina is a planet of the Parlak sector of the Lylat System. It first appeared in Star Fox 64. It is an icy planet covered in permanent snow and ice and a dense layer of fog. It has a Cornerian Army outpost and a weather generator. The planet was originally known as Fortuna in Star Fox 64 but has since been renamed to Fichina to distinguish it from the unrelated planet, Fortuna.

For most of the Lylat System's history, Fichina was uninhabitable due to having very cold weather. One day, a climate control center was built to control Fichina's climate, making it somewhat inhabitable. Fichina is home to several Cornerian outposts.

Fichina is comparable to the planet Hoth from Star Wars Episode V as both are worlds covered in snow and ice, and a notable battle occurs on both planets.


Star Fox 64

In Star Fox 64, a Cornerian base was captured by the Venomian Army. Star Fox's mission was to recapture the base and prevent Andross from obtaining its classified information. On Fichina, Fox and his teammates had to battle Invader I Fighters. After a while, the Invader I Fighters begun to retreat, and Slippy wondered why they were doing so. ROB 64 revealed to Fox that someone planed a bomb into the base earlier. Immediately after ROB 64's message, Star Wolf arrived on Fichina and started a dogfight against Star Fox, likely to distract them from deactivating the bomb. After a fierce battle, the Star Fox team won the battle, and Fox plunged into the base to deactivate the bomb on time.

Star Fox: Assault

Fox resting on Fichina

In Star Fox: Assault, Pigma had shut down the climate control center on Fichina, which slowly caused it to become uninhabitable again. General Peppy Hare assigned Fox and his teammates with a mission to defeat the aparoids surrounding the climate control center and reactivate the machine on time.

When Star Fox landed on the planet, they discovered that the climate control center was protected by three shield generators. Peppy sent a Landmaster down to Fichina for Fox, and he entered it and destroyed the shield generators. Fox was able to enter the climate control center and reactivate it, although an alarm sounded, trapping him inside the base. Malfunctioning Sentry Bots begun to attack Fox, but luckily, Falco arrived in his Arwing and saved Fox.

With Fox on his wing, Falco went to join their teammates, Slippy and Krystal. Fox used the Plasma Cannon to destroy aparoids on the ground and in the air, protecting Falco from being attacked by powerful turrets. After Fox and Falco circled the entire field, Pigma revealed himself and infected the climate control center with aparoids. The generator became overloaded and triggered a 5-minute self-destruct timer. Falco dropped off Fox to fetch his Arwing, and Fox came out to fight the Aparoidedation Generator.

Fox flew near the generator and shot down some enemies to open the generator's hatch. When the generator was open for attack, it charged up an energy beam and released it. Fox also used some Smart Bombs that were dropped by aparoids and managed to defeat the aparoids without damaging the generator.

After defeating the aparoids, Fox stayed on Fichina and pondered the aparoids' infectious ability. The climate control center was severely damaged and was said to be in need of repair completely.

Star Fox Command

Background preview of Fichina in Star Fox Command

Fog of War

This story occurs if Fox and Slippy head to Fichina to aid Lucy Hare.

After intercepting a message to General Peppy Hare from his daughter, Lucy Hare, Fox and Slippy raced towards Fichina. They arrived to find the planet swarmed by the Anglar forces. After clearing the battlefield, Fox and Slippy were once again set upon by Star Wolf. The two defeated their opponents and managed to find Lucy. Lucy revealed that she had learned the leader of the attack was Andrew Oikonny. Slippy then suggested that he and Fox might want to visit his father, Beltino, at the Beltino Orbital Gate and Fox decided whether to stay on Fichina, or head towards the Meteo Asteroid Belt.

Oikonny Strikes Back

This story occurs if Fox and Slippy stay on Fichina to fight Oikonny.

Upon deciding to stay on Fichina, ROB recieved a message from Oikonny and patched him through. Oikonny revealed that the Anglar Emperor had personally searched him out to lead the attack on Fichina. Once the message finished, Fox and Slippy soared into the battlefield. Lucy followed, despite Fox's original reluctance to let her join in. The three found Oikonny using an Anglarian weapon called the Death Crab. They easily managed to defeat the crazed ape and returned to the Great Fox. There, Lucy stormed Fox about his recent break up with Krystal, though Fox quickly agreed with her on everything she said. Lucy the departed for Corneria to find her father, while Fox and Slippy went to Aquas.

Former Rivals

This story occurs if Fox goes to Fichina to recruit Wolf.

After leaving Corneria, Fox and ROB tracked down Wolf O'Donnell on Fichina in the hope that they could recruit him to help fight against the Anglar. Fox managed to defeat some of the Anglarian forces before facing off against Star Wolf alone. Even on his own, Fox managed to defeat his rivals. Wolf decided to ally with Fox surpisingly quickly when he arrived on the Great Fox II. The two then headed to Solar to meet up with Falco, despite Wolf's protests.


Star Fox 64 official website

Artwork of "Fortuna" for Star Fox 64

The titles and descriptions are from Star Fox 64's official website:[1]

  • Planetary Compendium: "Fortuna, an icy world devoid of vegetation, is home to only a few members of the Cornerian Defense Force and a team of scientists. Because of the large amount of frozen water on the planet, it is an ideal candidate for terra forming, and there is some thought that it might be possible to convert it into a garden world, much like Corneria."
  • Mission Briefing: "Fortuna has been overrun by Andross's forces. The Star Fox Team must liberate it from their clutches before Andross has a chance to use the top secret information stored there for his own evil ends! Go to Fortuna and scout out the base, but be on the lookout for enemy fighters. Your old rivals, the Star Wolf team of space pirates, is also rumored to be in the area, so watch your six!"
  • Intelligence: "Defeat the Star Wolf team before the sabotage bomb in the base explodes, and you'll take the path to Solar."

"Medal Score: 50 hits"
"Lock on and vaporize enemies as much as possible in this mission. You'll want to take care that the Star Wolf team doesn't shoot down any of your wingmen if you're going for a medal. Each of the Star Wolf team members is worth 10 hit points when you shoot them down, so you don't need to worry too much about shooting down a lot of drones."

Planetary Data:
  • Radius: 3,277 km
  • Albedo: .55
  • Gravity: .367
  • Esc Velocity: 4.99 km/s
  • Equilibrium: K220
  • Atmosphere: N267 + O223
  • Hydrographics: 53%
  • Biomass: 270 Quads
  • Class: I



  1. Fortuna on the official Star Fox 64 website (archived).