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Cloud Runner

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Cloud Runner
The Cloud Runner as it appears in Star Fox Command.
Mode(s) Flight
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This article is about the vehicle. For the similarly-named dinosaur tribe, see CloudRunner.

The Cloud Runner is a personal spacecraft allowed to Krystal in Star Fox Command. She based its appearance from and named it after the CloudRunners, a pterodactyl-like dinosaur tribe. It is armed with a Twin Laser, Single Lock and one Smart Bomb and it has a two-second time bonus.


Cloud Runner stats
Laser: Twin
Lock: Single
Smart Bombs:
Shields: ● ● ● ● ● ●
Boost: ● ● ●
Time Bonus: ● ●



  • In Star Fox Command, when Krystal is asked by Slippy how the ship is handling, Krystal responds that she never thought that she'd be flying the ship again[1] This implies that the ship had been constructed before Krystal was forced off the Star Fox team.


  1. "Well, I never thought I'd fly her again." - Krystal, Star Fox Command

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