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Template:Infobox stage

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Infobox stage

Have an image of this character? Why not upload it?
No music provided
On other wikis
Name Infobox stage
Link {{Infobox stage}}
Info An infobox with basic information on a stage. See Infoboxes for more info.
Peppy Hare: "Falco, this template's documentation needs to be improved to meet LW:TS."
Falco Lombardi: "Why are you asking me? Isn't that Slippy's job?"
"Fine. I'll do it."




Name Description Value information
name name of the character
class special css class
style custom style
picture have a picture? upload it, and then post it here.
caption caption for character
stage_type is it a planet?
filename the name of this stage's music file
  • does not show up if no_music is true
title the title of this stage's music file
  • does not show up if no_music is true
description any additional of this stage's music file
  • does not show up if no_music is true
no_music if there is no music for a stage
sf64 if true, adds a table that details information
  • does not show up if sf64 is false or not given
vehicle what vehicles appear in this stage?
  • does not show up if sf64 is false or not given
prev_1 what stage do you come from if you do not meet specific conditions
  • does not show up if sf64 is false or not given
next_1 what stage do you got to if you do not meet specific conditions
  • does not show up if sf64 is false or not given
prev_2 what stage do you come from if you meet specific conditions
  • does not show up if sf64 is false or not given
next_2 what stage do you go to if you meet specific conditions
  • does not show up if sf64 is false or not given


  1. Required parameters are in bold, followed by explanation of usage. Italicized parameters have a related behavior change, when a certain value is inserted.
  2. For if anything happens because a specific related value is not entered.


{{Infobox stage
| name = 
| image = 
| caption = 
| stage_type = 

| filename = 
| title = 
| description = <!-- change to fit information of your file -->
* Title : 
* Game : 
* File retrieved from [http://www.arwinglanding.net/music/index.php?page=sfmusic] as a MP3
* File converted to OGG with [http://audacity.sourceforge.net/]

| sf64 = true
| medal = 
| vehicle = 
| prev_1 =
| next_1 = 
| prev_2 = 
| next_2 = 