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Krazoa God

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Krazoa God
Krazoa God SFA art.jpg
Home planet Krazoa Palace
Premiere game Star Fox Adventures
Race Krazoa
On other wikis

The Krazoa God is a self-explanatory Krazoa deity who appears in Star Fox Adventures.

The Krazoa God first appears as a hologram to Fox and Tricky at the Volcano Force Point Temple after they return the first SpellStone. He tells them to return the Krazoa Spirits to Krazoa Palace to save Krystal and the rest of Dinosaur Planet.

At the end of the game, when the Krazoa God receives all six Krazoa Spirits, its head flies off the statue. It turns around, revealing itself to be Andross, who succeeded at tricking Fox into reviving him with the Krazoa Spirits.

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