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SharpClaw Speeder
From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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The Sharpclaw Speeder is a vehicle used by two SharpClaws and Fox in Star Fox Adventures. The vehicle is featured in Ice Mountain, DarkIce Mines, and CloudRunner Fortress. This is a one person vehicle that has unlimited fuel, except at CloudRunner Fortress. Also when in use Fox has unlimited heath. To accelerate the player must press and hold the A botton. To brake the player must press and hold the B button.
Even after winning the Ice Mountain race, Fox can still redo it, for no gain or loss.
Early screenshot of Fox riding the SharpClaw Speeder.
Fox on the SharpClaw Speeder in the Ice Mountain race.
A SharpClaw riding a SharpClaw Speeder in CloudRunner Fortress.