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Chief LightFoot

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Chief LightFoot
Home planet Dinosaur Planet
Role Leader of the LightFoot Tribe
Premiere game Star Fox Adventures
Affiliations LightFoot Tribe
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Chief LightFoot is the leader of the LightFoot Tribe in Star Fox Adventures. He is encountered in LightFoot Village.

When a member of the tribe accused Fox for stealing their treasure, the Chief captured Fox and attempted to punish him. The Chief is usually surrounded by other LightFoots who fan him, and guard him in his hut. MuscleFoot follows him around like a bodyguard. Later, he challenged Fox to participate in the LightFoot Tests, in order to access the third test, Test of Fear.

The Lightfoot Tests can later be revisited to compete for the highest score.


Chief Lightfoot wears many rings, including metal bands on his arms and ankles and a necklace, and he is wearing a headdress with colorful feathers. His throne shares some visual similarities to him.

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