Containers, also known as Supply Containers[1] and Special Boxes,[2] are special items that contain power-ups like Supply Rings, Smart Bombs, Laser upgrades and Wing Gyro. They first appear in Star Fox 64. In order to collect the power-up inside, Fox must use his vehicle to shoot lasers at the Container to reveal the item inside.
In Star Fox 64 Containers only appear if Fox responds to ROB 64's contact attempt by pressing the C-Right button. ROB will then say "Location confirmed. Sending supplies." and drop the Container in the Arwing's path. It has to be shot to reveal the item inside. The possible items are Supply Ring, Shield ring, Middle supply, Smart Bomb, Laser upgrade, and Wing Gyro if Fox has lost either or both of his Arwing's wings. In appearance, they are red cubes with a green "S" on each side.
Star Fox Adventures
In Star Fox Adventures, Containers work just like in Star Fox 64, except they already are floating in the space, without the need to answer to ROB 64's call. Additionally, they are now grey cubes with a red "S" on each side. They mostly contain Smart Bombs and some cases Laser upgrades. Containers also appear in the boss battle against Drakor, and all of them contain a Silver Ring.
Star Fox 64 instruction booklet (page 17): "Sometimes during the game, a yellow mark will appear at the top of the screen. This means that ROB64 is trying to contact you. Press C > to respond. Sometimes ROB64 will give you a container. Shoot the container to receive the helpful item inside."