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Team Star Fox

From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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"We need your help Star Fox."
General Pepper

The Star Fox Team is a legendary team of mercenaries which has repeatedly defended the Lylat System in times of peril. The team has evolved radically over the years, as well as the equipment they've used. Founded by James McCloud, the leadership passed through to his son, Fox, after his apparent death.


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The original Star Fox team, including Peppy Hare, James McCloud, and Pigma Dengar.

The Star Fox Team was founded by James McCloud and his best friend, Peppy Hare. Shortly into their new career, they were joined by a new member: Pigma Dengar. The team flew abound the Lylat, finding work wherever they were. They earned so much that James decided to upgrade the team's headquarters and purchased the building rights to a new mothership that would transport the trio about the System.

The Lylat Wars

Meanwhile, a scientist named Andross was banished to the far, desolate planet of Venom...

Occurance at Venom

Strange occurances began to surface over from Venom. Wanting to know what was going on, General Pepper of the Cornerian Army hired the team to investigate. When they arrived at the planet, Pigma betrayed the team, blasting off his wingmates' wings and leaving them unable to manuever. He left them and turned them over to Andross, who had payed the pig a larger sum of money than he had ever before received. Peppy was able to escape, but his friend James was not. Peppy returned to Corneria and informed Pepper of the danger Andross possesed to the Lylat System. He also told James's son Fox of his father's fate. He took Fox under his wing and guided him in his quest to become a pilot.

The New Star Fox Team

Years later, Andross's forces began to gather strength, and war was imminent. Pepper decided to re-form the Star Fox team, and set up a high budget around it. With new weapons, an automated robot, and James's Great Fox finally complete, Pepper recreated the team, with the now 18-year-old Fox McCloud as the new leader. With his dear friend Peppy, Fox chose new members, including the skilled mechanic Slippy Toad and former gang member Falco Lombardi.

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The Star Fox Team flies in its trademark Arwings in Corneria's atmosphere.

Starting at Corneria, the team fought through Andross's minons throughout the Lylat, making its way to Venom: Andross's base. Several times, they encountered the infamous Star Wolf and accumulated quite some time in dogfighting with them. Finally, the crew made it to Andross's base, where Fox single-handedly defeated the warlord.

The team returned to Corneria, where Pepper commended them and offered them positions in the Cornerian Army. Fox denied his offer, claiming they preferred working solo. They flew off, looking for jobs just as they had in the days of old, looking forward to a bright future.

Troubles in the Lylat

The team flew many missions freelance during the years following the Cornerian-Venomian conflict. However, all was not well as time passed: Falco left the team in search of a solo career out of sher bordom. The Great Fox and the Arwings became very aged while ROB also suffered from lack of new parts and has trouble keeping himself together, and in dire need of repair. Peppey has retired from active flight duty but remains as mentor. Slippy has traded in his role as active piolet and and develops various weapons and gadgets for the Cornerian forces.

The Saurian Crisis

Eight years after the Lylat Wars, the team received a briefing from General Pepper of a crisis at Sauria: chunks of the planet had broken off and may pose a threat to the welfare of the Lylat System. Realizing their finances needed improvement, alongside their aged vehicles and weapons, the Fox, Slippy and Peppy took the job and travelled to Sauria, known as the Dinosaur Planet. However, only Fox made contact with the planet while Peppy stayed behind to work on his maps and Slippy continued work on developments and giving Fox vital advise. But by the end of the game Falco rejoins after saving Fox from being used as Andross's chew toy.

Aparoid Invasion

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The Star Fox team at the time of Oikonny's attack on Corneria, including Krystal, Fox McCloud, Slippy Toad, and Falco Lombardi.

After the incident with Sauria the StarFox returned to its prime state. The Great Fox, Arwings, Landmasters and ROB have all been completly repaired with more sleeker designs and varrious over modifications. Krystal has also joined the team as its telepathic. The team helps with defeating the last of Andrew's forces, hunted down Pigma, save Sauria from anhilation, and destroy the Aparoids.

The Anglar Blitz

Some time after the Aparoid invasion the StarFox once again went into decline as the whole team went their separate ways with only Fox and ROB staying on. Falco left to find the thrills which he had during the past events which mirrors what he did before the incident on Sauria. Slippy left because he fell in love. Peppy was apointed the new General of the Cornerian forces after Pepper became confined to his sickbed. Krystal disappears after being ashamed and heart-broken after Fox asked her to step down from the team. As for the Great Fox which was destroyed during the Aparoid invasion has been replaced by a new model which is considerably weaker.

During the Angular attack on the system the StarFox on most story paths rejoin and one includes Amanda joining but it is currently unknown which story ending is the true one.


Pre-Lylat Wars

  1. James McCloud
  2. Peppy Hare
  3. Pigma Dengar

Lylat Wars

  1. Fox McCloud
  2. Falco Lombardi
  3. Slippy Toad
  4. Peppy Hare
  5. R.O.B. 64

Sauria Crisis

  1. Fox McCloud
  2. Slippy Toad
  3. Peppy Hare
  4. R.O.B. 64

Aparoid Invasion

  1. Fox McCloud
  2. Falco Lombardi
  3. Slippy Toad
  4. Krystal
  5. Peppy Hare
  6. ROB 64

Anglar Blitz

  1. Fox McCloud
  2. ROB 64
  3. Falco Lombardi
  4. Slippy Toad
  5. Krystal
  6. Amanda



Main article: Arwing

The public image of the team, the Arwing is the Star Fox Team's main weapon of choice.

Great Fox

Main article: Great Fox

The teams base of operations and later their home, it is used for carring the Arwings and other vehicles as well as back up heavy assaults.


Main article: Landmaster

The tank of Starfox, its primary use is attacks on planets surface, it is later modified during the Aparoid invasion as an anti air-carft fighter.

Blue Marine

Main article: Blue Marine

The Blue Marine is a submarine vehicle, it has only been used once by Fox McCloud on the planet, Aquas. Instead of shooting bombs, the Blue Marine has an unlimited source of torpedoes. Strangely enough, this vehicle was never used again.

Behind the Scenes