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Super Nintendo Entertainment System

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This article only covers the Star Fox-related information of Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
For more general info, please check out this article on NintendoWiki.
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Released 1990 (Japan)
1991 (Overseas)
Console generation Fourth generation
On other wikis
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES for short) is a 16-bit video game console, and was Nintendo's second home gaming system. It is also the console where the Star Fox series made its debut with the game Star Fox (known as Starwing on PAL systems). The system was called the Super Famicom in Japan, and its casing design was a more rounded shape with gray colors, which is completely different from the North American box-like design. However, in Europe and Australia the Super Nintendo Entertainment System casing design was identical to the Japanese one.

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System was originally released in Japan on November 21, 1990, in North America on August 1991, in Europe on April 11, 1992, and in Australia on July 3, 1992.

Super NES Classic Edition

A successor to the NES Classic Edition, the Super NES Classic Edition (named Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Famicom in Japan) was released on September 29th, 2017 in America, September 30th, 2017 in Europe, and October 5th, 2017 in Japan, nearly 27 years after the release of the SNES. It includes 21 pre-installed SNES games, including Star Fox, as well as the never-before-released Star Fox 2 as an unlockable title, if the player completes the first level of Star Fox. In addition, games that had different titles in Europe now use their American titles, including Star Fox.


  • Star Fox (known as Starwing in Europe)
  • Star Fox 2 (cancelled; released on SNES Classic Edition)


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