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Virtual Console

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Virtual Console
The Wii's Virtual Console logo
Console generation Seventh generation
On other wikis
This article only covers the Star Fox-related information of Virtual Console.
For more general info, please check out this article on NintendoWiki.

The Virtual Console is a service from Nintendo that allows users to purchase and download classic games to their system. The service first launched on the Wii in 2006, on the Wii Shop Channel. It would later be released for the Nintendo 3DS's eShop in 2011 and the Wii U's eShop in 2012. Games for the Virtual Console are platform-specific and do not have a single, cross-platform release, although the same game could have individual releases on each platform (for example, Super Mario Bros. had separate Virtual Console releases on all three platforms).

Star Fox games

One Star Fox game was released for the Wii, and two were released for the Wii U. No Star Fox game was ever released on the Nintendo 3DS's Virtual Console.


  • The reason why the original Star Fox wasn't released for the Wii's Virtual Console was because the Wii had trouble trying to emulate the SNES's Super FX chip, which was used to run that game.[1]


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