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Gallery:Star Fox Adventures
From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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A gallery of images related to Star Fox Adventures.
North American box art
Alternate North American box art (without the Rareware logo)
North American Player's Choice box art
Japanese box art
European Player's Choice box art
Germany Player's Choice box art
Australian box art
Artwork used as the box art
Title screen
E3 2001
Fox and Tricky in Ice Mountain
Fox runs from some SharpClaws
Fox fights some SharpClaws
Early screenshot of Slippy Toad in CloudRunner Fortress, which he does not visit in the final release.
Fox stands at the Arwing
E3 2002
A close-up of Fox's facial expression
Fox exploring the Volcano Force Point Temple
Krystal running from a Brain Squid
The Great Fox, as shown from the world map
Tricky digging a dirt patch in LightFoot Village
Fox performing a Ground Quake
The LightFoot Tribe accuse Fox for stealing their treasure.
Fox exploring the courtyard of CloudRunner Fortress
Fox combating a SharpClaw
Fox kicking a SharpClaw back
North American game disk
Magazine advert