Cape Claw

Revision as of 10:43, 21 July 2009 by DarkSamus89 (talk | contribs) (Added an image, expanded the article a little and added a couple of links)

Cape Claw is a peninsula with beaches, waterfalls and Krazoa ruins on the planet Sauria in Star Fox Adventures. It is only accessible through the Lightfoot Village after completing the Moon Mountain Pass area and after delivering its' Krazoa Spirit to the Krazoa Palace. There are four buried gold bars Fox has to find for the HighTop who hid them when he heard the SharpClaw are coming, but has forgotten where he put them. Here Fox also saves Queen CloudRunner who happens to be one of the four GateKeepers. After Fox's brief explanation why he needs the SpellStones, the Queen agrees to help and opens the gate to the CloudRunner Fortress. Later you can also find a Staff Energy -upgrade and a well, which sells you a Cheat Token in here.

Fox in Cape Claw with Tricky and the HighTop who has lost his gold.