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Templates are pages which are used to transclude wikicode that would otherwise be very large and messy on a number of pages. Essentially, a template is a separate page, and by including the name of that page enclosed in {{two curly brackets}} in a page, the entire contents of that template page will be displayed on the page you've posted it on. Many templates have extra parameters that will form the actual content of the template.


Navigation Templates

See all Navigation templates

The simplest kind of template, navigation templates are simple templates that list several pages and facilitate page navigation. They are placed on pages of similar types.

Infobox Templates

See all Infobox templates

Infobox templates have specific fields relating to particular topics depending on what the infobox's intended purpose is, such as {{games|games}} or {{consoles|consoles}}. These contain extra parameters to modify in order to display the necessary information.

Formatting Templates

See all Formatting templates

Formatting templates exist to help with the standardization of formatting across the Wiki - they essentially mold what you've written to appear a certain way.

Making a Template

The easiest way is to add {{your template name}} to the Sandbox, and click on the red link that appears. From there you can create your template, which is most easily done by copying and pasting the code from a similar template; then you can just modify it.

Make sure that at the end of the last line of the ACTUAL TEMPLATE you add <noinclude> to begin any section detailing how to use the template, and also the add the necessary category for that template. Do not finish the template, create a new line, and then add the <noinclude> tag.