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Peppy Hare: "Falco, this template's documentation needs to be improved to meet LW:TS."
Falco Lombardi: "Why are you asking me? Isn't that Slippy's job?"
"Fine. I'll do it."
Name Console-code
Link {{Console-code}}



By putting in a specific text, the template will auto-generate a link to the requested Console page. By adding cat = yes, it automatically adds the page to a category of the same name as the console page. This category link uses a sortkey given through {{{sortkey}}}. This is helpful with sorting box art, screenshots, and other pages


Name Description Value information
(the first one)
cat yes


  1. Required parameters are in bold, followed by explanation of usage. Italicized parameters have a related behavior change, when a certain value is inserted.
  2. For if anything happens because a specific related value is not entered.


{{Console-code | #1 }}