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A ShadowHunter

The ShadowHunters are carnivorous dinosaurs that only appear during the Test of Fear in Star Fox Adventures. They have long legs, large feet, and a slightly long neck. They can run very fast. The test starts off with Fox having to remain calm as ShadowHunters run around the room.

It isn't certain exactly what dinosaur the ShadowHunters are based off of. They resemble small, carnivorous theropods, but lack the characteristic sickle-shaped claw found in predatory "raptor" dinosaurs, suggesting even a possible mix with some other herbivorous or omnivorous theropods like Struthiomimus.


  • The game has an unused briefing of Walled City by Peppy Hare, who says that its temples were built to contain the RedEyes and the ShadowHunters. In the game, only RedEyes are found at Walled City but not ShadowHunters.