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Founded April 16th, 1985
Employees ~200
Website http://www.rare.co.uk/
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Rare Ltd.
Rare Ltd.
This article only covers the Star Fox-related information of Rare.
For more general info, please check out this article on Wikipedia.

Rare, formerly known as Rareware, is a British video game developer and a first party developer of Microsoft.


Rare was originally a second-party developer for Nintendo, when they were known as Rareware. They were best known for releasing a multitude of games, such as Battletoads, Donkey Kong Country, and Banjo-Kazooie.

The company only developed one Star Fox-related game, Star Fox Adventures in 2001–2002. The game's original title was Dinosaur Planet, which had no relation to Star Fox, and was under development for the Nintendo 64. Shigeru Miyamoto approached them late in development and convinced them to redevelop it into a Star Fox game, which got shifted to the GameCube.

Star Fox Adventures is the last game Rare released on a Nintendo home console, because Nintendo had a deal to sell them to Microsoft after the game's publication. The acquisition by Microsoft was completed on September 24, 2002, one day after Star Fox Adventures was released in North America.


Developers: Nintendo EADArgonaut SoftwareRareNamcoQ-Games
Publishers: Nintendo