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Ninjin Missile
The Ninjin Missiles were small missiles used by the Venomian Army during the Lylat Wars in Star Fox 64. The only instance of the Ninjins being used was at Area 6, where they were fired at each of the Star Fox's members to stop them from penetrating Venom's airspace.
Though not as powerful as Andross' Copperhead Missile, these missiles are formidable weapons. They are faster, more maneuverable and tougher to hit than their larger counterparts. Even if they don't connect, the concussion wave from the explosion will punch right through a ships' shields and deal massive damage to starfighters.
It is possible that like their larger counterparts, the Ninjin missiles were also produced at the factories on Macbeth. Consequently, once the Venom Army Supply Base on Macbeth was destroyed by Fox, it was likely at least some of the missiles were destroyed in the explosions.