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Gatling Gun

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Gattling Gun
Ammunition per clip: 100 rounds
Firing succession: Rapid
Range: Fair
Color: Blue
Aura: Yellow
Favored by: Krystal

The Gatling Gun is a more powerful version of the Machine Gun in Star Fox: Assault. Each shot does more damage and can be used to defeat heavily-armoured enemies. The tradeoff is that the gun starts with fewer rounds, is less accurate, and is also rare, forcing it into a more specialized role. The Gatling Gun is unlockable in Versus Mode by playing 20 VS. matches.


In Single Player, the Gatling Gun is an effective room clearer in situations with densely-packed groups of enemies, especially when used in conjunction with a Barrier for protection. In Multiplayer, the Gatling Gun may be best used with Krystal because of her double barrier ability, which is probably why she is pictured with it in the official artwork. Also, in conjunction with the Booster Pack from a high area, the weapon can punish a greedy Arwing pilot who gets too close, though this can be dangerous when done in front of the Arwing's Lasers and Charge shots.
