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From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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Hello! I am a gamer that loves to look into the death of James Mccloud. I have made an article on it. [[1]]. It is a very small stub about the ending of the first game, how the missile malfunctioned. You are most likely not familiar with this, it is very unknown. I just joined LylatWiki and I am ready to make and edit articles! I also enjoy looking into Kursed, however it disappoints me that there is not an article on it. But if you ever need help on something like Minecraft Multiplayer, I'm your man. I have Star Fox Command and Assault, but I know the storyline of the entire series. Here's some profiles on my favorite characters.

James McCloud
James McCloud as seen in Star Fox Command.
Home planet Corneria
Role Former Leader of Team Star Fox
Premiere game Star Fox 64
Affiliations Star Fox (formerly)
On other wikis

I don't know why it says my username for the name.

If you want to see the death of him, and the betrayal and everything, see-[2]

Don't click below
