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Lylat Wiki:Art Request

From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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An place to request some original art in order to add flavor to the wiki. This can be fan art we hold in a gallery, or demonstration art we use in an article. From cropping official art to importing animated gifs, we want them all! We alos want to make sure that any an all people involved in the making of the Image are credited, to whatever extent we can achive.

So, here is a place to put Requested Art. And here is a place to come to if you are feeling Arty, and what to do something for the wiki.


By placing the art on the wiki, you relinquishment ownership of it. We agree not to use it for profit, and will credit you as the author; but, by donating it to the wiki, the wiki takes ownership over it. Of course, we will respect whatever wishes you have in the use of it (and, because you are an editor, you can edit it to be so), but the file stored on our server space becomes ours. Please see High End Topics for more info.

If you wish, please also post it to our dA group for more feedback.

Any problems, please report it to User:Hope(N Forever), our resident Artist/Admin, or any other member of the administration.

Art Requests

So, here's how it's going to work. A member posts a request here . If you wish to fulfill the request, Strike through the line, and sign it. When the request is fufilled, or if it's been canceled all together, please remove it.

If a request can be filled out by multiple people, please say Multiple Artist Welcome, and then those volunteering to help out, please sign under the request. So, for example:


Actual Requests

That's the point of this page, to request people to make some art needed for the wiki. The art would be (maybe) coming from you. :P -2Tie (talk) 04:25, 5 January 2013 (UTC)
Lol, guess this means I don't read. :( I understand now, but I'm only good in model ripping and not drawing so...Airconny talk to me here 04:52, 5 January 2013 (UTC)