
Revision as of 07:02, 8 November 2008 by (talk) (spelling)

"Dang! DEPLOY IT NOW!!!" --Area 6 Commander

The Gorgon is Andross's deadliest weapon yet. It is equipped with a huge hyper laser capable of piercing the crust of a planet in a single shot. It even has the capability to obliterate large ships, such as the Cornerian Cruisers or the Great Fox. The satellite can defend itself from starfighters by firing a volley of armor piercing missiles. To swat an incoming fighter away from it, the Gorgon can use its three tentacles that extend from the satellite itself. In case there isn't any escort, it can deploy its own complement of fighters. It also posesses a Dimension Transport System that enables it to phase in and out of our reality, something the scientists have thought impossible, up until now. It is the last line of defence in Area 6, before Venom.


Once it's arms are destroyed, it is forced to open it's body and repair them. It will then release three bonded energy balls to help. Shooting the energy orbs until they are depleted will cause the sheild protecting it's core to disappear. Once this has happened, shoot the core until the second shield is gone and it's core is revealed. Shoot the core until the machine is destroyed.


  • The Gorgon's primary weapon is most likely based on the Death Star's superlaser.
  • When Pigma is infected with the Aparoids and Fused with machinary, he resembles Gorgon, having similar attacks and defense purposes.