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:I've taken it into consideration, and made changes to my proposal. What do you think? {{User:Tacopill/sig}} 13:02, 11 August 2010 (PDT).
:I've taken it into consideration, and made changes to my proposal. What do you think? {{User:Tacopill/sig}} 13:02, 11 August 2010 (PDT).
: Looks good, from what I understand a stock patroller like myself would be a level 2, right? If that isn't the case, a guide to each level of bureaucracy/administration would be helpful to users that are new to the wiki system and don't like to search as much as I do are informed of how they can better contribute to this or other wiki. PureLocke([[User:PureLocke|User]]/[[User talk:PureLocke|Talk]]) 15:27, 11 August 2010 (PDT)
: Looks good, from what I understand a stock patroller like myself would be a level 2, right? If that isn't the case, a guide to each level of bureaucracy/administration would be helpful to users that are new to the wiki system and don't like to search as much as I do are informed of how they can better contribute to this or other wiki. PureLocke([[User:PureLocke|User]]/[[User talk:PureLocke|Talk]]) 15:27, 11 August 2010 (PDT)
::Thank you, but before i do i would need approval from the Wiki Community, and especially Neo. up for some campaining? {{User:Tacopill/sig}} 17:16, 11 August 2010 (PDT).

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