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Created for the defense of Venom, Bolse was a massive artificial satellite in orbit of Andross' capital planet.  It was protected by a force field that made it immune to remote scanning and allowed it to shrug off captial ship weaponry.  The sheer size of the station and the amount of magnetic energy generated by its force field gave Bolse a strong gravitational field.  Besides its laser cannons, Bolse also housed missiles and [[Bolse Fighter]]s, along with armies to be used for the invasion of [[Corneria]].
Created for the defense of Venom, Bolse was a massive artificial satellite in orbit of Andross' capital planet.  It was protected by a force field that made it immune to remote scanning and allowed it to shrug off captial ship weaponry.  The sheer size of the station and the amount of magnetic energy generated by its force field gave Bolse a strong gravitational field.  Besides its laser cannons, Bolse also housed missiles and [[Bolse Fighter]]s, along with armies to be used for the invasion of [[Corneria]].

The power needed for the operation of Bolse was generated by a bionuclear core.  The fusion of biomutated energy and nuclear power gave the station the immense power needed to battle entire fleets of enemy ships.  However, this reaction was also incredibly unstable, turning the defense satellite into a ticking time bomb.  Six reactor pylons were needed to cool and stabilize the generator, otherwise the core would undergo bionuclear meltdown. (This is belived to have happened to a Bolse prototype, and the fallout supposedly created [[Sector Y]].
The power needed for the operation of Bolse was generated by a bionuclear core.  The fusion of biomutated energy and nuclear power gave the station the immense power needed to battle entire fleets of enemy ships.  However, this reaction was also incredibly unstable, turning the defense satellite into a ticking time bomb.  Six reactor pylons were needed to cool and stabilize the generator, otherwise the core would undergo bionuclear meltdown. (This is belived to have happened to a Bolse prototype, and the fallout supposedly created [[Sector Y]].)

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