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In the game ''[[Star Fox 64]]'' for the Nintendo 64, large missiles deployed from an unseen vessel (though, no mistake it was a Venomian starship) and had locked onto the [[Great Fox]] in [[Sector Z]]. These missiles, if left alone, can cause serious damage to the Great Fox's hull and can have fatal results if more of them hit their mark. (see: ''[[Copperheads]]'')
In the game ''[[Star Fox 64]]'' for the Nintendo 64, large missiles known as Copperheads deployed from Warp space and had locked onto the [[Great Fox]] in [[Sector Z]]. These missiles, if left alone, can cause serious damage to the Great Fox's hull and can have fatal results if more of them hit their mark. (see: ''[[Copperheads]]'')

In the unreleased ''[[Star Fox 2]]'', missiles counted as enemy units and were aimed directly at [[Corneria]] and its cities.
In the unreleased ''[[Star Fox 2]]'', missiles counted as enemy units and were aimed directly at [[Corneria]] and its cities.
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