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List of Fox McCloud profiles and statistics

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This is a list of profiles and statistics pertaining to Fox McCloud.

Star Fox series

Star Fox 64

North American website

Vital Stats
  • AGE: 18
  • HEIGHT: 1.73 SM
  • WEIGHT: 70.31 SK

"Fox McCloud was a cadet at the Cornerian Defense Army Academy when he heard the news that his father, James McCloud, had met a violent end at the hands of the twisted genius, Andross. The senior McCloud had been betrayed by his own wingman, Pigma Dengar, and delivered into a deadly trap from which there was seemingly no escape. Only James's wingman, Peppy Hare, managed to limp home in his badly damaged starfighter. As the only survivor of the original Star Fox Team, Peppy insisted that the young Fox take on the leadership of the group and form a new team of pilots. Thrust into the leadership role that he wasn't prepared for, Fox recruited the hot-tempered Falco Lombardi and the mechanical genius Slippy Toad to make up the new Star Fox Team. For a price, this crack group will fight against any threat to the Cornerian star system. Although it may appear that the Star Fox Team is motivated only by financial gain, it will only accept missions that serve to uphold justice."

Game Data

"When you play Star Fox 64, you take the role of Fox McCloud, and with it all the responsibility for leading other team members into battle and keeping them safe from harm. Protecting your friends from enemy attack will make your mission easier because each teammate has a special ability that can help you out."[1]

Star Fox Adventures

Instruction booklet (page 4)

"Eight years after the defeat of Andross, Fox McCloud has matured as a leader and continues to be recognized as a great hero. He's still an active pilot, and his many skills with weapons and martial arts are often called into play."

Star Fox: Assault

Instruction booklet (page 36)

"Head of the commandos-for-hire Star Fox team. He's responsible and extremely capable of assessing situations and giving orders, not to mention a fiery hero with a strong sense of responsibility and a record of success."

  • Health: 3/5 stars
  • Speed: 3/5 stars
  • Jump: 3/5 stars
  • Arwing Skill: 4/5 stars
  • Landmaster Skill: 4/5 stars
  • Pilot Skill: 4/5 stars

Super Smash Bros. series

Super Smash Bros.

Character profile

Following his dead father's footsteps as the young leader of the Star Fox Team, Fox McCloud's piloting of the super-high-performance combat ship ARWING for the Lylatian System is still fresh in our memories. His one weakness may be his difficulty earning the trust of his teammates.


  • Star Fox (SNES)
  • Star Fox 64 (N64)

Super Smash Bros. Melee

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Super Smash Bros. Melee
Fox McCloud is the leader of a band of adventurers-for-hire known as Star Fox. Fox and his fellow pilots Peppy, Slippy, and Falco patrol the Lylat system in their mother ship, the Great Fox. From the cockpit of his Arwing, Fox leads the ceaseless pursuit of the evil scientist Andross, who doomed Fox's father.
Star Fox
Finish Classic Mode as Fox

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Super Smash Bros. Melee
Fox is among the quickest and nimblest of the Smash Bros. characters. His speed is offset by low firepower, however, and he's better at one-on-one fights than melees with multiple foes. His Blaster is unique: it does damage but it doesn't make enemies flinch. His Fox illusion is best used as a surprise attack.
B: Blaster
Smash B: Fox Illusion
Finish Adventure Mode as Fox

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Super Smash Bros. Melee
Fox falls quickly, so he's a tough target to strike from below; however, this advantage can work against him when he goes flying sideways. You can use the Control Stick to set the direction of the Fire Fox technique while it's charging up. On a side note, Fox is also much lighter than he was in the N64 Super Smash Bros. game.
Up & B: Fire Fox
Down & B: Reflector
Finish All-Star Mode as Fox

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The leader of the commando unit for hire known as Star Fox. He uses both the team's mother ship, the Great Fox, and his personal Arwing fighter to challenge the evil scientist Andross. He made his name as an ace pilot but has lately shown himself also to be an adventurer with a knack for hand-to-hand combat.

SNES Star Fox
DS Star Fox Command
Finish Classic Mode as Fox

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Fox's Final Smash. Climb aboard the Landmaster tank, the ultrahigh- performance, antiair, rolling combat vehicle of Team Star Fox. Just like in the Star Fox series, the cannon can be used to blast foes, and the tank can roll over enemies. The jets beneath the main body can be used to hover. Between its firepower and mobility, this tank knows no equal.

WII Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Finish All-Star Mode as Fox

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The leader of the one and only Star Fox team. Fox McCloud has superb battle skills and is an expert pilot of both the Arwing and Landmaster. In on-foot battles, Fox starts with a blaster and continues on with four other types of weapons as he fights through the Aparoids. Fox also demonstrates his skills in air combat using the plasma cannons on the Arwing.

GCN Star Fox: Assault
Random drop

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

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Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
NTSC-U: Fox is the leader of the mercenary unit Star Fox, often enlisted to defeat the evil Andross. His piloting skills are top notch, but in Smash Bros. he brings speed and fast attacks to the battle. His Reflector move allows him to turn projectile attacks against his foes, increasing their power for a punishing blow.

PAL: Leader of the Star Fox team, Fox is a skilled pilot with a strong sense of justice. In this game, he's quick on his feet and can use his speed to toy with opponents, attacking relentlessly and giving them no room to breathe. Even if they try to attack him from afar with projectiles, his Reflector move just sends them flying right back!
Clear Classic Mode as Fox.

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Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
NTSC-U: Fox is at home in the air, and many of his moves, like his up smash, Flip Kick, will send foes up there. It's great for KO'ing a damaged opponent. Another handy move is his up special Fire Fox. The flames that surround Fox deal damage to nearby foes, and you can launch yourself in any direction once charged.

PAL: The Flip Kick that Fox does for his upward smash can really send foes flying. It's well worth pulling out this attack in combos against airborne opponents. Try following it up with his red-hot Fire Fox special to hammer them repeatedly. The fact that you an fly in any direction with this move is a real bonus too!
Clear All-Star Mode as Fox.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
NTSC-U: Fox is the leader of the mercenary unit Star Fox, often enlisted to defeat the evil Andross. His piloting skills are top notch, but in Smash Bros. he brings speed and fast attacks to the battle. His Reflector move allows him to turn projectile attacks against his foes, increasing their power for a punishing blow.

PAL: Leader of the Star Fox team, Fox is a skilled pilot with a strong sense of justice. In this game, he's quick on his feet and can use his speed to toy with opponents, attacking relentlessly and giving them no room to breathe. Even if they try to attack him from afar with projectiles, his Reflector move just sends them flying right back!

SNES Star Fox (3/1993)
N64 Star Fox 64 (7/1997)
Clear Classic Mode as Fox.

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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
NTSC-U: Fox is at home in the air, and many of his moves, like his up smash, Flip Kick, will send foes up there. It's great for KO'ing a damaged opponent. Another handy move is his up special Fire Fox. The flames that surround Fox deal damage to nearby foes, and you can launch yourself in any direction once charged.

PAL: The Flip Kick that Fox does for his upward smash can really send foes flying. It's well worth pulling out this attack in combos against airborne opponents. Try following it up with his red-hot Fire Fox special to hammer them repeatedly. The fact that you an fly in any direction with this move is a real bonus too!

SNES Star Fox (3/1993)
N64 Star Fox 64 (7/1997)
Clear Classic Mode as Fox, then purchase it at the trophy shop for 1000G.

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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
NTSC-U: Originally designed for exploration, the Landmaster in Fox's Final Smash has been converted into an ultra-high-performance, anti-air, rolling combat vehicle. When Fox hops aboard, he can drive or roll into foes and blast them with cannon fire. It can even fire in midair. And best of all, Fox is safe from damage inside this metal beast!

PAL: Originally designed for exploration, the Landmaster in Fox's Final Smash has been converted into an ultra-high-performance, anti-air, rolling combat vehicle. When Fox gets on board, he can drive or roll into foes and blast them with cannon fire. It can even fire in mid-air. And best of all, Fox won't take any damage while inside!
Clear All-Star Mode as Fox

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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
When Andrew Oikonny and the remnants of his uncle Andross's army use guerilla tactics to stage a rebellion, the Cornerian forces find themselves under a lot of pressure. Fox and his unit arrive to save the day, only to encounter an even greater threat. Can Fox handle the incoming assault from this mysterious new foe?

GCN Star Fox: Assault (2/2005)
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