
Solar is a planet covered mostly by lava and is often mistaken for a sun due to the aforementioned description. The heat that Solar creates is so hot that most ships cannot spend more then a few minutes on or near the surface without burning up and exploding. Cornerian scientists have also speculated about there being life, even intelligent life resilient enough to survive the incredible temperatures of Solar. These reports are as yet uncomfirmed, due to the nature of the scientist conducting the research; one former Dr. Andross.

During the Lylat Wars, Andross used Solar as one of his bioweapon staging grounds and developed one such creature he named 'Vulcain' which is composed primarily of hardened lava. When the Star Fox team arrived at Solar, they quickly discovered the existence of creatures called Gores that thrived on Solar; whether they are actually life forms or results from Andross' experiments is uncertain.

Star Fox Command

Solar once again reappears as a stage for StarFox Command for the Nintendo DS. This time Star Fox leader Fox McCloud enlists the aid of Star Wolf leader Wolf O' Donnell to lead an attack on the Anglar forces. Later, they are joined by Falco Lombardi, who reports having seen a giant weapon. Wolf comes up with a plan to destroy the satellite weapon by forcing it to tip over into the bubbling lava of Solar's surface. This plan proves fruitful, and the Anglar's ace in the hole is destroyed