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== Appearance ==
== Appearance ==
Andross' appearance has remained superficially constant throughout the games he has appeared in. There are, however, marked differences in how his appearance has changed from game to game.
In [[Star_Fox_(game)|Star Fox]], he looked like a vague approximation of a disembodied human head, whose features were very simple. This incarnation of Andross reappears in [[Wikipedia: Super Smash Bros. Brawl]].
His greatest addition as of yet was in [[Star Fox 64]], where he benefited from being given proper textures, a range of facial expressions, and similarly disembodied, gloved hands. This version is also a trophy in [[Wikipedia: Super Smash Bros. Melee]].
As consoles became more powerful and capable of rendering a higher number of polygons and highly detailed textures, Andross was given a makeover in [[Star Fox Adventures]]. Here, his dramatic return at the end of the game came as a figurative and literal twist as he had, for the majority of the game, hidden behind a statue of a [[Krazoa|Krazoan]] head. When, at the very end of the game, this head swivelled to reveal Andross' face on the other side, it became apparent that the designers took care in giving the character unsettling, almost demonic features, as well as a more advanced palette of facial expressions, and a small selection of lip-synced dialogue.
==Unrelated Appearances==
His nephew, [[Andrew Oikonny]], remained true to his uncle's inexplicable penchant for appearing as a massive floating head by building an airborne vehicle which mimicked Andrew's head and hands. This ridiculous weapon appeared at the end of the first level of [[Star Fox Assault]]. [[Fox McCloud]] quickly dispatched this poor fascimile. Its barely functioning remains, assumedly piloted by Andrew himself, was utterly obliterated by an [[Aparoid]] while delivering a megalomaniacal monologue.
== Development (Out of Game) ==
== Development (Out of Game) ==
== In game History ==
== In game History ==