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From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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This is another NIWA wiki, so I might as well have an account here. :P I live in Europe, where we got all the rubbish names (we almost got 'Dinosaur Planet' instead of Star Fox Adventures. WTF?) because our very good friends over in Germany gave Atari a copyright for one of the worst games ever, when the rest of the world didn't. So we got lumbered with Star Wing, whereas everyone else got Star Fox. That's going straight into the 'Trivia' section there.

Other wikis I'm active on

What will I do here?

I'm one of the server admins. Feel free to contact me if you need extensions added, or notice any problems on the wiki.

This user proudly supports the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance!

This user is the NIWA Coordinator!