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Peppy Hare: "Falco, this template's documentation needs to be improved to meet LW:TS."
Falco Lombardi: "Why are you asking me? Isn't that Slippy's job?"
"Fine. I'll do it."
Name Transclude
Link {{Transclude}}
Info copied from Template:Transclude - June 7, 2009 8:39 PM. Use this to create links to [[{{{2}}}:{{{1}}}]] automatically




Name Description Value information
(two numbered parameters)
  1. Page Name
  2. Namespace - default to template if none given


  1. Required parameters are in bold, followed by explanation of usage. Italicized parameters have a related behavior change, when a certain value is inserted.
  2. For if anything happens because a specific related value is not entered.


{{Transclude|Characters|Lylat Wiki}}