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Template:Infobox enemy

From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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Infobox enemy

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Name Infobox enemy
Link {{Infobox enemy}}
Info Infobox for the different enemies. See Infoboxes for more information.
Peppy Hare SF0 headshot icon.png Peppy Hare: "Falco, this template's documentation needs to be improved to meet LW:TS."
Falco Lombardi: "Why are you asking me? Isn't that Slippy's job?"
"Fine. I'll do it."
Falco Lombardi SF0 headshot icon.png


{{Infobox enemy
|name =
|image =
|image_size =
|caption =
|games =
|location =
|weakness =
|affiliation =
|similar =