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{{Quote|They're not taking me seriously.|The Mechbeth's trainman}}

'''Mechbeth''' is a biomechanical construct used in the defense of [[Macbeth]] during the [[Lylat Wars]] in ''[[Star Fox 64]]''.  Created by [[Andross]], Mechbeth was an advanced combat system with a fatal flaw: its internal power generator was still in development at the outbreak of the war.  For this reason, it had to rely on an outside source for power, teathered to an energy supply train.

'''Mechbeth''' is a biomechanical construct used in the defense of [[Macbeth]] during the [[Lylat Wars]] in ''[[Star Fox 64]]''. Created by [[Andross]], Mechbeth was an advanced combat system with a fatal flaw: its internal power generator was still in development at the outbreak of the war. For this reason, it had to rely on an outside source for power, teathered to an energy supply train.
"Dang! Detach the rear vehicle!"
"Heh heh, What's wrong?"
"Here come's the little hyenas now!"
"Here you go!"
"I can't STOP IT!!!!!"
"I didn't expect I’d have to use this."
"I'll lure these guys to the front."
"No! Get away!"
"No! Hit the brakes!"
"Step on the gas!"
"Take this!!"
"Try this!"
"They’re not taking me seriously."
"What’s wrong? Come a little closer"
"You're too slow! Time to end this!"
"You're very lucky."

Anonymous user

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