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During the first phase, against the Arrow Head, you have to blast it away section by section, similar to a King Dodora. You can only hit it when it is on your floor, and since you cannot switch floors a useful tactic would be to use your [[bombs]]. As you break off each section, they fly off into some part of the battle area and will attempt to shoot you down with lasers. Once enough sections are damaged, the remaining parts will align themselves tic-tac-toe style and attempt to ram you. You can block it by shooting them or rolling. This ends when the head is destroyed. In the main path, the battle ends here, since you're fighting him in space and not on Venom. Otherwise, the Emperor will flee into the Venom Depths, and you will fight him "on rails" without a time limit.
Emperor Anglar secretly returned the following year, having transformed into a Trojan Horse virus. He is more dangerous than ever in this state because he can adopt the appearance of any person he has come in contact with, to the point of fooling system scans.
Three pieces (which seem to be of the destroyed Arrow Head) will surround him and you gotta shoot them. Once that happens they will turn red and the Anglar Emperor will start attacking. You gotta shoot him on the ''esca'' (the antenna like thing on his head) and his life will begin to decrease. Once he takes enough damage, you will have to deal with girders in addition to his normal attacks, and the girders will keep up until you hit the pieces enough times as before. This part repeats until the battle is won, though it shouldn't take but one or two loops of this pattern to finish him
Emperor Anglar was brought to Mainframe by Ray Tracer just after the defeat of Daemon. He had taken the appearance of Bob by using the Guardian code he had accidently taken from Glitch during the Web War.Emperor Anglar fooled everyone and proceded to slowely move in on Dot Matrix. The real Bob became frustrated, realising that Dot was falling for the original looking Bob. He attempted to seperate from Glitch but failed and was trapped in a black coccoon.
While the real Bob was rushed to the Super Computer for treatment, Emperor Anglar proposed to Dot and they started laying plans to get married. Bob was eventually freed by the return of the Guardian Key Tools. He quickly rushed back to Mainframe and crashed the wedding. Dot told him to leave and sided with the fake Bob. Glitch flew to the fake Bob and everyone thought the real Bob was the copy. As Bob was leaving Glitch took the original guaridan code from Megabyte and returned to Bob and loaded the code into him. Bob returned to his original form and Emperor Anglar, unable to hold that shape, reverted to his real form.
Emperor Anglar and Bob began to fight and destroyed the wedding chapel in the process. When the fighting stopped for a nano-second Bob asked Emperor Anglar why he had done this. Megabyte said, "It amuzed me." He temporarily blinded Bob and went back to the wedding chapel, stopping just long enough to kiss Dot. Then Emperor Anglar went into the chapel and grabbed Specky, changing into his form, allowing him to escape unnoticed. (Null Bot of the Bride)
While Mainframe's leaders were having a meeting to figure out what to do, Emperor Anglar impersonated Mike the TV and told the entire city to panic. He then went to Al's Wait & Eat and found a few of his former military leaders there. He was pleased to find Herr Doktor and Lieutenant Chauncy there. After revieling himself to them, Emperor Anglar ordered them to serender their PIDs and together they would usher in a new viral dawn. As an example of what would happen if they resisted, Emperor Anglar forcibly infected Al's Waiter with his new tendrels.
Emperor Anglar takes control of the Principal Office
Emperor Anglar was able to distract the Mainframers with an alias copy of himself and forceably took control of the War Room. Emperor Anglar locked down the Principal Office and warned everyone that he was there for revenge, and to prepare themselves for "the hunt." (Crouching Binome, Hidden Virus)
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