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144 bytes added ,  00:01, 1 February 2010
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(Created page with 'The trainman is an ape or a Lizard? --~~~~')
*>Weedle McHairybug
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The trainman is an ape or a Lizard? --[[User:CaioNV|CaioNV]] 21:32, January 31, 2010 (UTC)
The trainman is an ape or a Lizard? --[[User:CaioNV|CaioNV]] 21:32, January 31, 2010 (UTC)
He slightly resembled a duck (Namely, Daffy Duck with a long beard) [[User:Weedle McHairybug|Weedle McHairybug]] 00:01, February 1, 2010 (UTC)
Anonymous user

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