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[[File:Magic Plant.JPG|250px]]
[[File:Magic Plant.JPG|250px]]
'''Magic Plants''' are [[Staff Energy Gem]] producing plants in ''[[Star Fox Adventures]]''. They grow all around planet [[Sauria]]. [[Fox McCloud|Fox]] must hit them with the [[Krystal's Staff]] to make them drop the gems. The plants grow back in seconds. They are about Fox's height, and grow a few large leaves on top of a skinny stem. The Staff Energy Gems are also situated on top of the stem. The leaves surround them in a regular pattern.
'''Magic Plants''' are [[Staff Energy Gem]] producing plants in ''[[Star Fox Adventures]]''. They grow all around planet [[Sauria]]. [[Fox McCloud|Fox]] must hit them with the [[Krystal's Staff]] to make them drop the gems. The plants grow back in seconds. They are about Fox's height, and grow a few large leaves on top of a skinny stem. The Staff Energy Gems are also situated on top of the stem. The leaves surround them in a regular pattern.

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