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The public image of the team, the Arwing is the Star Fox Team's main weapon of choice.
The principal air craft of the Star Fox team, it has appeared in all Star Fox games to date.

===Great Fox===
Throughout their appearances the Arwings have had considerable changes, though all versions have retained the basics such as simple lasers that can be upgraded and Smart Bombs (called Nova Bombs in the first Star Fox).
{{main|Great Fox}}
The teams base of operations and later their home, it is used for carring the Arwings and other vehicles as well as back up heavy assaults.  
The Arwings make an appearance in the Super Smash Bros series, in Super Smash Bros Melee and Brawl, they appear as trophies and in the Super Smash Bros. series are used as the on-screen introduction to Fox and Falco. In the Corneria, Venom and Lylat Cruise stages they are seen flying in the background. It also appears as a piece of furniture in Animal Crossing: Wild World. When touched by the game character, the Arwing will briefly play the Star Fox theme music.

The tank of Starfox, its primary use is attacks on planets surface, it is later modified during the Aparoid invasion as an anti air-carft fighter.
This white-and-blue fictional vehicle first appeared in Star Fox 64 (1997, Nintendo 64) as a tracked light tank in two of the game's missions and one of the game's multi-player maps.
It appeared again in Star Fox: Assault (2005, Nintendo GameCube), although with wheels replacing the tank treads for this game only, the tanks were also modified somewhat and acted as anti-air craft tanks.
The Landmaster tank makes it most recent appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008, Nintendo Wii) as Fox's Final Smash. The same design—in alternate color schemes—is also used as the final smash for Falco Lombardi, and Wolf O'Donnell. All three landmasters have slightly different properties. The landmaster that Fox and Falco use is the traditional white and blue color scheme, While Wolf's landmaster is a white and red color scheme. Falco's Landmaster can fly higher and longer than Fox's but it's firepower has reduced knockback. In addition, Wolf's landmaster has greater firepower and knockback ability than the one Fox and Falco use, but it remains on the stage for a much shorter time.
Other than a shared name, Nintendo's Landmaster tank is unrelated to the Landmaster vehicle from the film Damnation Alley.

===Blue Marine===
===Blue Marine===
{{main|Blue Marine}}
{{main|Blue Marine}}
The '''Blue Marine''' is a submarine vehicle, it has only been used once by Fox McCloud on the planet, Aquas. Instead of shooting bombs, the Blue Marine has an unlimited source of torpedoes. Strangely enough, this vehicle was never used again.
The '''Blue Marine''' is a submarine vehicle, it has only been used once by Fox McCloud on the planet, [[Aquas]]. Instead of shooting bombs, the Blue Marine has an unlimited source of torpedoes. Strangely enough, this vehicle was never used again.
It is equipped with lasers like the Arwing; basically, it performs the same way the Arwing does underwater.
===Great Fox===
{{main|Great Fox}}
The teams base of operations and later their home, it is used for carring the Arwings and other vehicles as well as back up heavy assaults. [[ROB 64]] is the primary pilot of the great fox.

==Behind the Scenes==
==Behind the Scenes==

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