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980 bytes added ,  21:17, 23 August 2007
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====Aparoid Invasion====
====Aparoid Invasion====
[[Image:SF Team-Assault.jpg|thumb|left|The Star Fox team at the time of [[Andrew Oikonny|Oikonny's]] attack on [[Corneria]], including [[Krystal]], [[Fox McCloud]], [[Slippy Toad]], and [[Falco Lombardi]].]]
[[Image:SF Team-Assault.jpg|thumb|left|The Star Fox team at the time of [[Andrew Oikonny|Oikonny's]] attack on [[Corneria]], including [[Krystal]], [[Fox McCloud]], [[Slippy Toad]], and [[Falco Lombardi]].]]
After the incident with Sauria the StarFox returned to its prime state. The Great Fox, Arwings, Landmasters and ROB have all been completly repaired with more sleeker designs and varrious over modifications. Krystal has also joined the team as its telepathic. The team then help defeat the last of Andrew's forces, hunted down Pigma, save Sauria from anhilation, and destroy the Aparoids.  
After the incident with Sauria the StarFox returned to its prime state. The Great Fox, Arwings, Landmasters and ROB have all been completly repaired with more sleeker designs and varrious over modifications. Krystal has also joined the team as its telepathic. The team helps with defeating the last of Andrew's forces, hunted down Pigma, save Sauria from anhilation, and destroy the Aparoids.  
====The Angular Blitz===
Some time after the Aparoid invasion the StarFox once again went into decline as the whole team went their seperate ways with only Fox and ROB staing on. Falco left to find the thrills which he had during the past events which mirrors what he did before the incident on Sauria. Slippey left because he fell in love. Peppey was apointed the new General of the Cornerian forces after Pepper became confined to his sickbed. Krystal disapears after being ashamed and heart brokern after Fox asked her to step down from the team. As for the Great Fox which was destroyed during the Aparoid invasion has been replaced by a new model which is concidibly weaker.
During the Angular attack on the systerm the StarFox on most story paths rejoin and one includes Amanda joinng but it is currently unknown which story ending is the true one. 

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#[[Peppy Hare]]
#[[Peppy Hare]]
#[[ROB 64]]
#[[ROB 64]]
====Angular Blitz====
#[[Fox McCloud]]
#[[ROB NUS 64]]
#[[Falco Lombardi]]
#[[Slippy Toad]]

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