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Lylat Wiki:Featured Images
From Lylat Wiki, your source on Star Fox information. By Fans, for Fans.
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How to become a Featured Image
Featured Image Voting Policy
This page is for the nomination of and voting for featured images.
- Any user may nominate or vote on images
- All nominations/votes must be signed with four tildes (~~~~) or they will be negated
- All arguments must be relevant to the image's status. (Example: "This character is lame. I oppose this" is an invalid argument.)
- Attempting to vote more than once results in a warning. Persistence will result in disciplinary action.
- There may be no more than ten images nominated at any time
- Each user may use one supporting vote per month, but an unlimited number of opposition votes may be used
- If an image has a majority of support for at least three months, it will become featured
- If an image fails to meet a majority of support, it will fail to become featured
- Staff members may negate any votes which they feel are against policy
How to mark as a Featured Image
Once approved, please mark the article with the template {{Featured}}.