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Gallery talk:Fox McCloud

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Well, I uploaded some of these images over the past couple days and an unforseeable side effect took place. I'll show what it is with this template which I'll remove when the problem is solved. {{SmashTrophyInfo |brawl_description= [[File:StarFoxAssault.png|200px]] }}It seems that the method I used to add transparency caused a side effect when the image is used on non-white background. I found a better way and I want to ask, would it be better to keep it the way it is, upload only ones that might be necessary elsewhere, or reupload all that need it?--TW 13:47, 11 October 2010 (PDT)

Out of curiosity, when would you use a transparent image in that situation?. I guess, i am not sure what is being asked here, sorry. [Tacopill|(talk)] 16:37, 11 October 2010 (PDT).
The trophy template was just an example to show what the problem was. From a logical point of view, most of these aren't going to leave this page. The only ones certain to use are the team pictures from each game. I was thinking that one of those is going to be the image for the Star Fox team template, if one ever exists. Really, the question is, would there be any significant reasons not to improve the images, such as digital space or whatever? Or does it not matter either way?--TW 17:59, 11 October 2010 (PDT)
do you mean {{Star_Fox_Team|this template}}? and personally, i don't think it matters. If you could upload a better version of a file, then do so - it will help out the wiki - but it not a requirement that we get every file down to it's minimal form. [Tacopill|(talk)] 19:31, 11 October 2010 (PDT).