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The Venomian army was mostly comprised of bipedal lizards seemingly under the influence of Emperor Andross Oikonny.
The Venomian army was mostly comprised of bipedal lizards seemingly under the influence of Emperor Andross Oikonny. During both gameplay, and reading the comics, it is learned that after Andross was banished to Venom for his crimes against Corneria, he soon found the planet was indeed populated by a civilization of lizards who were not very well educated in modern technology.But, the planet was rich in ancient technology, and scribes to extremely powerful weapons, which Andross used to build his army. While in his exile, Adross also created the telekinetic amplifier, which he used to enslave majority of the lizard race on Venom. Only a majority of the lizards joined him  voluntarily, vowing undying loyalty to him. They were known as the Imperial Guard.
During both gameplay, and reading the comics, it is learned that after Andross was banished to Venom for his crimes against Corneria, he soon found the planet was indeed populated by a civilization of lizards who were not very well educated in modern technology.But, the planet was rich in ancient technology, and scribes to extremely powerful weapons, which Andross used to build his army. While in his exile, Adross also created the telekinetic amplifier, which he used to enslave majority of the lizard race on Venom. Only a majority of the lizards joined him  voluntarily, vowing undying loyalty to him. They were known as the Imperial Guard.
