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== In Fandom ==
== In Fandom ==
Miyu is set to be in the fangame [http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Fan_games Project Kursed] as well as [[Starfox: Paths of Fate]]. In Project Kursed, Miyu is a martial arts master from the planet Thosa, while in Paths of Fate she is a mercenary hired by [http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/General_Pepper General Pepper.]
[[File:MiyuPP.jpg|thumb|Miyu in Paths of Fate]] Miyu is set to be in the fangame [http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Fan_games Project Kursed] as well as [[Starfox: Paths of Fate]]. In Project Kursed, Miyu is a martial arts master from the planet Thosa, while in Paths of Fate she is a mercenary hired by [http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/General_Pepper General Pepper.]