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'''Star Fox Wii''' is the speculative name for a Star Fox installment on [[Nintendo|Nintendo's]] [[Wii]] console. Nothing about it has been confirmed.
'''Star Fox Wii''' is the speculative name for a Star Fox installment on [[Nintendo|Nintendo's]] [[Wii]] console. The Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto has shown interest in creating a ''Star Fox'' game for the [[Wii]] console in the future. As of now, however, no plot have been announced. Miyamoto has suggested the Wii Remote would work really well for controlling an Arwing,<ref>{{cite web | url =http://news.spong.com/article/10144/Miyamoto%20on%20StarFox%20Wii%20and%20Super%20Mario%20Galaxy | title =  Miyamoto on Star Fox Wii and Super Mario Galaxy | work = SPOnG.com | accessmonthday = September 2 | accessyear = 2006}}</ref> while series designer, Takaya Imamura has also said he has some ideas for a sequel of [[Star Fox Command]].<ref>{{cite web | url =http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/wii/game/news/article.jsp?releaseId=20070125154649578007&articleId=20070125154649578007&sectionId=1006 | title = SF Command's producer has a small idea... | work = Games Radar | accessmonthday = February 18 | accessyear = 2007}}</ref>

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