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'''PukPuk Eggs''' are a type of recovery item in ''[[ThornTail Store|Star Fox Adventures]]''. One these [[SharpClaw]] delicacies recover 4 units of [[Star Fox Adventures|Fox's]] health, twice the amount of [[Dumbledang Pod]]s. They are commonly found in SharpClaw crates and are also for sale in [[ThornTail Store]]. They come from [[PukPuk Birds]], that the SharpClaw breed just for this tasty snack. Their coloration is yellow-brownish.
'''PukPuk Eggs''' are a type of recovery item in ''[[ThornTail Store|Star Fox Adventures]]''. One these [[SharpClaw]] delicacies recover 4 units of [[Star Fox Adventures|Fox's]] health, twice the amount of [[Dumbledang Pod]]s. They are commonly found in SharpClaw crates and are also for sale in [[ThornTail Store]]. They come from [[PukPuk Birds]], that the SharpClaw breed just for this tasty snack. Their coloration is yellow-brownish.
[[Category:Star Fox Adventures items]]