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[[Link title]]Titania is a harsh desert world. The once-beautiful planet was transformed into a sandy wasteland and dust ejected into space formed its rings.
Titania is a harsh desert world. The once-beautiful planet was transformed into a sandy wasteland and dust ejected into space formed its rings.

In the original Star Fox it is a barren planet fitted with a Weather-Control Unit. If deactivated, it would cause the Titanian climate to turn into an eternal blizzard of snow. Strangely enough, Titania in the Star Fox comic is not a desert world but a frozen world instead, possibly showing the reason why a Weather-Control Unit was needed. The boss was the mechanical Professor Hangar.
In the original Star Fox it is a barren planet fitted with a Weather-Control Unit. If deactivated, it would cause the Titanian climate to turn into an eternal blizzard of snow. Strangely enough, Titania in the Star Fox comic is not a desert world but a frozen world instead, possibly showing the reason why a Weather-Control Unit was needed. The boss was the mechanical Professor Hangar.
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In Star Fox Command, Titania is the location of Andross' ghost. He created a secret device intended to purify the Venom Sea and make the planet more hospitable. The device is guarded by one of Andross' bioweapons, awaiting the right person to claim it.
In Star Fox Command, Titania is the location of Andross' ghost. He created a secret device intended to purify the Venom Sea and make the planet more hospitable. The device is guarded by one of Andross' bioweapons, awaiting the right person to claim it.

Categories: Planets