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Titania is a harsh desert world. The once-beautiful planet was transformed into a sandy wasteland and dust ejected into space formed its rings.

In the original Star Fox it is a barren planet fitted with a Weather-Control Unit. If deactivated, it would cause the Titanian climate to turn into an eternal blizzard of snow. Strangely enough, Titania in the Star Fox comic is not a desert world but a frozen world instead, possibly showing the reason why a Weather-Control Unit was needed. The boss was the mechanical Professor Hangar.

Titania was planned to appear in the cancelled Star Fox 2; it was mistakenly called Taitania.

In Star Fox 64, Titania is one of the two missions played with the Landmaster tank. Fox deploys his team to rescue Slippy after he crashes; on the surface, he discovers that the seemingly barren planet is actually teeming with robotic lifeforms and enemy fighters all belonging to Andross. When the team finally finds Slippy, he is being held captive by Goras, a huge boned creature vaguely reminiscent of the first game's Fortuna boss, Monarch Dodora, who appeared as one of Titania's bosses in Command.

Titania is "known as the Red Planet because of the huge ion storms that swirl dust from the surface of the planet into its stratosphere. Archaeologists have found surprisingly advanced ancient ruins on this planet, and, in fact, a high-tech, planetary defense system, code named "Goras," is still alive." Additionally, in General Pepper's briefing on Titantia in the guide, "traffic to Titania is usually restricted."

Titania also makes an appearance in Star Fox: Assault as a multiplayer stage. It is larger than any other multiplayer-only map, causing some to speculate it may once have been intended to be a single-player mission.

In Star Fox Command, Titania is the location of Andross' ghost. He created a secret device intended to purify the Venom Sea and make the planet more hospitable. The device is guarded by one of Andross' bioweapons, awaiting the right person to claim it.