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In ''Star Fox 2'', the player would fly around a given arena and attempt to take out the missile before it had a chance to fly out of range.
In ''Star Fox 2'', the player would fly around a given arena and attempt to take out the missile before it had a chance to fly out of range.

In ''Command'', the missiles flew on ahead of the player leaving a trail for the player to follow. If the player missed any of the targets before reaching the missile, the missile would fly out of range and would draw closer to the Grea Fox.
In ''Command'', the missiles flew on ahead of the player leaving a trail for the player to follow. If the player missed any of the targets before reaching the missile, the missile would fly out of range and would draw closer to the Great Fox.
If the player successfully flew through all of the targets in the missile's wake, the player would have a chance at destroying the missile. However, the player must still fly through targets whilst attacking, making dispatching the missile difficult.
If the player successfully flew through all of the targets in the missile's wake, the player would have a chance at destroying the missile. However, the player must still fly through targets whilst attacking, making dispatching the missile difficult.

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