Welcome to the Lylat Wiki, all about the Star Fox series! If you'd like to help out, please take a look at our community portal.

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!Are you a fan of [[Star Fox]]? A specialist to a given area of the game? If so, then please become a member of one of the following wiki-projects. They are specialized pages on specific areas of the Star Fox Universe, and going there will explain how you can help with that particular project.
!Are you a fan of [[Star Fox]]? A specialist to a given area of the game? If so, then please become a member of one of the following wiki-projects. They are specialized pages on specific areas of the Star Fox Universe, and going there will explain how you can help with that particular project.
| Each Wiki Project needs to work with the other wiki projects in order to ensure that each page (article, template, category or file).  
Each Wiki Project needs to work with the other wiki projects in order to ensure that each page (article, template, category or file).  


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== To Do ==
== To Do ==
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Other Places you may wish to visit:
Other Places you may wish to visit:
* [[Special:WantedPages]] & [[Lylat Wiki:Starting An Article]]
* [[Special:WantedPages]] & [[Lylat Wiki:Starting An Article]]
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== External Links ==
These are other sites related to Star Fox Fandom, Affiliated with he wiki, and more places we recommend you check out.
=== Sites that are part of our community ===

=== Community Outposts ===
Pages that are run by members of the community, but are part of a larger site that is not.
* [http://lylat-wiki.deviantart.com/ our dA group]
=== Affiliates and Other Fans sites ===
=== Other Star Fox wikis ===
* The [http://starfox.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Star Fox Wiki] on [http://www.wikia.com/ Wikia], also known as the '''Arwingpedia''' - Currently the largest Star Fox wiki-site online!
: Also available in [http://de.starfox.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Fox-Wiki German] and [http://ar.starfox.wikia.com/wiki/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AD%D8%A9_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%A6%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9 Arabic] languages.
* The [http://starfox.neoseeker.com/wiki/Main_Page Star Fox Neowiki] on [http://www.neoseeker.com/ Neoseeker].
* [http://starfox-online.net/ Starfox-Online]'s [http://wiki.starfox-online.net/ wiki sub-site]. (Note: Not open to public editing)
* A [http://starfoxwiki.wetpaint.com/ Star Fox wiki] hosted on [http://www.wetpaint.com/ Wetpaint]. (Note: This wiki is ''not'' based on the familiar [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki MediaWiki] system)
* [[wikipedia:Main Page|Wikipedia]] has [[wikipedia:Category:Star Fox|a simple hub]] for its Star Fox articles and media.
* [http://starfoxlanding.wikia.com/wiki/Starfox_Wiki Starfox Landing] - another Star Fox wiki hosted on Wikia.
:(Yes! Wikia is low enough to host multiple wikis of the same topic!)
==== Defunct wikis ====
* [http://www.arwinglanding.net/ Arwing Landing]'s community originally hosted a wiki of their own. It has long been gone offline.
=== Fan Art ===
* DA groups
** [http://star-fox-fans.deviantart.com/]
** [http://starfox-club.deviantart.com/]
** [http://starfox-underground.deviantart.com/] - affiliated with our dA group!
=== Nintendo Related ===
* [http://www.niwanetwork.org/ NIWA] - the Nintedo Independent Wiki Alliance.
** [http://www.zeldawiki.org/Main_Page Zelda Wiki.org]
** [http://www.mariowiki.com/Main_Page Super Mario Wiki]
** [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page Bulbapedia]

Revision as of 15:11, 23 March 2010

Sites that are part of our community

Community Outposts

Pages that are run by members of the community, but are part of a larger site that is not.

Affiliates and other fansites

Star Fox fansites

Star Fox forums

These are links to standalone, Star Fox forums.

Fan Art