Grub Tubs

Revision as of 09:28, 24 October 2009 by *>DarkSamus89 (What Red GrubTubs? Corrected false information and misspellings + added links)

GrubTubs are semi-sentient fungus that inhabit the Dinosaur Planet.

Blue GrubTubs are the favourite food of Tricky, and the white variant has medical properties, as they are used to heal the Queen EarthWalker. This is also confirmed by Tricky during the game. He said: "Fox, we should find White Grub Tubs, my mom gave ´em to me when I didnt feel well..."

Blue GrubTubs can be found almost anywhere, and are easy to catch at night, when they're asleep. While they are awake, they will try to avoid Fox, and after a hit with the staff, they will become stunned, and then they can be collected.

White GrubTubs can be usually found in an underground cave found in the ThornTail Hollow. They are collected the same way as their blue counterparts.