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Difference between revisions of "Lylat Wiki:Quality Standards"

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=== speculations ===
=== speculations ===
Our wiki can't predict the future. No should it be edited to make it seem like it does. Specuilating - i.e. predicting future events inside or outside the star fox universe, about the star fox franchise, etc. -  without providing sources to prove that it is likely to happen, is not a good idea to have on the wiki. It violates the trust visitor's have in the wiki and forces us to remove information we may otherwise want.
In short:
* Please do not use the wiki to try and predict the future - please use {{tl|upcoming-event}} & {{tl|future-events}} on something that contains information about an upcoming event.
* Please do no edit the wiki to forecast future events - {{tl|future-edited}}
* Please only put information about planned future events (in universe or outside) when you have evidence to back it up - use {{tl|speculation}} to mark an artilce with unverified perdicitions, and use {{tl|future-events}} and {{tl|upcoming-event}} to mark articles with perdicited events that can be verified.
* {{tl|future-events}} is to be used for marking articles with in-universe perdicted events.
* {{tl|upcoming-event}} is to be used for marking articles with out-of-universe perdicted events.

=== accuracy disputed ===
=== accuracy disputed ===